New App is Here

New App is Here!!!

WScreen Shot 2014-08-25 at 4.24.27 PM (1)e at Laura Law are excited to announce the launch of our new app, which is  available  right now for free install for anyone using Android devices, and coming very shortly for install for all IOS devices. For all you Android lovers, either click above or find us on the Google Play Store or on Amazon! For all of you Apple fans, I promise it is coming within the next few days. Still, if you can’t wait, click above! So far we have had people from around the world checking out this app. Anyone interested in our firm will be able to meet our staff, follow the blog, or submit a request for a free consultation through the app.

This process has been so much fun and actually taught me quite a lot about law and technology, which will be the subject of an upcoming blog post. Stay tuned!

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