Red Light Camera Operators Caught Red-Handed?

photo enforced better version-page-001The Chicago Tribune conducted an investigation of over 4 million red-light camera tickets issued since 2007, and found roughly 9000 tickets were issued during red-light camera “spikes.”  These drivers may be eligible for a refund.  After the Tribune published its report, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced “drivers will have 45 days to request a review of their violation by email, phone, or in person.”

The Tribune’s investigation revealed red-light camera spikes at intersections, which typically generated a few tickets per day, were issuing up to 56 tickets.  During the spikes, almost all the tickets were issued to drivers making right turns, when typically only 1/3 of red-light tickets are issued to drivers who fail to come to a complete stop before turning right at a red light.  Traffic experts who reviewed the Tribune’s report opined that the spikes result from either “faulty equipment or human tinkering.”

The Emanuel administration called for daily violations to be posted on the Internet for each of Chicago’s 352 red-light cameras.  In addition, City Hall announced plan to send letters to the 9,000 drivers detailing the review process to determine whether the City should refund the $100 ticket cost.  To determine whether the drivers should be entitled to a refund, still photos taken at the intersections will be reviewed and if the “photos and/or video do not clearly prove the law was broken, drivers will receive a refund.”

red light photo enforce-page-001The Tribune has created a system for drivers to check and see whether they were issued a red light ticket during a spike.  Check it out here.

This past Friday, City Hall’s Inspector General Joseph Ferguson announced the beginning of an investigation into the city’s red-light camera program.  This investigation comes after Mayor Rahm Emanuel fired the original red-light camera operator amidst bribery allegations.

If you believe you have been unfairly issued a red-light ticket, either during the spike or at any other time, call the Law Offices of Laura J. Morask to discuss your options including appeal.

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