Maine Township Honored with Statewide Recognition

This year Maine Township received multiple awards from the annual conference of Township Officials of Illinois (TOI). The Township was recognized for the services given to improve the lives of residents. The awarded members include our very own Laura Morask! In addition to being a full-time criminal defense lawyer, Laura also works as an elected trustee of Maine Township.

Laura works very hard to improve the lives of the community members, especially our local youth. For many years she has educated youth on the dangers of gangs and gang violence and participates every year in the National Night Out Against Crime. In addition, Laura lead a seminar to educate the community on the dangers of hazing and bullying this past May. The event was covered by Journal & Topics newspapers and was a very successful, educational forum.

For all her hard work towards improving the lives of Maine Township’s youth, Laura was bestowed the Friend of Youth Award from the Association of Illinois Township Committees on Youth (AITCOY). Laura was recognized for her dedication to helping the community’s youth including the development of innovative programs which come at no cost to the community and will continue to do so in the future.

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