This Saturday marks a momentous occasion here at the law offices. Dean Morask will be moving in to our offices here in Park Ridge! Dean, who is of counsel to our firm and has helped us on many important cases, was previously located in an office downtown. The move shortens Dean’s commute and also benefits us and our clients here at Lauralaw by making communication between everyone much easier. Dean brings with him 22 years of criminal defense experience as well as 18 years experience in the State’s Attorney’s office. With an already well- established firm and over 30 years of criminal law experience we welcome Dean to our offices and look forward to having him here.
Although he is moving into our offices here in Park Ridge, Dean will still maintain his own practice with his own clients as well as remain of counsel to us. He practices in criminal defense trial litigation with particular experience in all areas of Juvenile Court law, DCFS procedures, and expungements through Petitions for Executive Clemency.
With Dean moving in, it means our offices are a little fuller- but for the better. Dean will be sharing an office with Pat O’Brien, who is also of-counsel to us. Dean, Pat, and Laura all got their start in the State’s Attorney’s office many years ago. The three of them are excited to be working together and to be sharing an office once again.
As always, if you should find yourself in need of legal assistance feel free to contact us and one of our skilled attorneys will be happy to assist you