Happy New Year! We at Laura Law hope it’s a fun and safe one for everyone. There are some New Illinois laws that we thought it be nice to cover. Mike Riopell and Mary Wisniewski of the Chicago Tribune were nice enough to pick out and categorize some of the most notable ones. All in all, there are 253 so for now we wanted to give you some new Illinois Laws; a quick glimpse and list just a few. Here is a small sampling that really run a gamut of topics! In our series we will later focus on some of the more noteworthy new laws by specific areas of interest to Lauralaw readers. But for now, here are five wide ranging new laws that range from far reaching to quite specific.
- New gun laws- The “Red Flag Bill” will allow family members and police officers to seek an order of protection against a person who is deemed an immediate danger. If the order of protection is considered appropriate then that persons guns can be confiscated. There will also be a 72 hour waiting period on gun purchases.
- New transportation laws- Up until the age of 2 or until there 40 pounds/ 40 inches tall, children must now sit in a rear facing car seat. Laws have long been on the books requiring child safety seats but now these are far more specific with penalties for a first violation of $75.00 and $200.00 for each one after that. So for any parents that do not have these types of seats if your child qualifies-get one ASAP! Do quick online search and you can find quality ones at reasonable prices. http://best rear facing car seat
- New Sexual harassment laws- There will be a new law requiring companies to provide a copy of their anti harassment guidelines to the state if they want to do business with the government/want a tax break.
- A second new Sexual Harassment law provides that anti-harassment training must be part of continuing education to renew a professional license.
- New synthetic marijuana laws- After 4 people died in Illinois this year due to synthetic Cannabis, a new law is on the books banning all types of its manufacture and provides for a potential of one year in jail for possession and two to five years incarceration for manufacturing or delivering as well as up to a $25,000.00 fine.
- Other- DuPage County is now able to dissolve its independent election commission. This was due to trouble they had tallying up the March election results.
- DuPage also will replace the word election “Chairman” with the more gender neutral “Chair”.
- The Farmers Market Task Force has been abolished. This one struck me as I am sure many people had no idea that there even was a Statewide Farmers Market Task Force! Apparently, as they had not put out an agenda for two full years, sharp eyed legislators recognized it was not needed! In my opinion, these are best left to local governments. For example, Park Ridge, IL established a Farmers Market Advisory Council. http://www.parkridge.us/government/boards_members.aspx
Strawberry Plant Strawberries Straw Berries
So stay tuned for our next installment where we take a more in depth look at some new 2019 laws that affect specific practice areas. Once again, if you are faced with a legal need in this new year, please do not hesitate to contact us at Lauralaw.net!